Outdoor routes

P1070409The Hohlandsbourg Castle can be discovered in several ways. 

An outdoor approach outside the walls allows the Castle to slowly unfold its beauty starting from the parking area. Visitors then can continue by entering the courtyard and the Plessis garden.

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An exceptional 360° panorama

The wall-walk is most probably the most spectacular and undoubtedly the most popular aspect of the site to pursue its discovery. From the path, the Hohlandsbourg Castle boasts an exceptional 360° panorama. On the ramparts, the exploration is both focused on observation and defence. The trail intervals and their history help guide visitors whether they are walking towards the inside or the outside of the Castle.
In this woody landscape visitors can also admire neighbouring Castles: Pflixbourg, Dagsburg, Wahlenburg and Weckmund.
The history of the Castle, its most prominent figures, its function and the various steps of its development are presented in the permanent exhibition area.
